Having been in the mental health industry for 6 years alongside a variety of professionals with different training and skillsets, I have come to realize that the average person often doesn’t know which professional is the right fit for what they are wanting to achieve.

If you find yourself contemplating life coaching vs therapy, here is some information to consider.

Definition of a Life Coach

The International Coaching Federation (ICF), who is the governing body of life coaches, defines a life coach as a person who partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

I define life coaching as an energetic, motivational space where I meet you where you are and help you to move forward, addressing any blocks from your past that prevent you from doing so.

If you’re wondering if life coaching is like therapy, the answer is yes. Life coaching is like a cousin of therapy, both are great resources to improve your life, however there are some key differences to consider.

Life Coach vs Therapist Key Differences

When it comes to life coaches vs therapists, the biggest difference to note is that therapy is clinical and includes diagnosis, assessment and treatment. Therapy helps people to process their trauma and takes them back to their past to help them manage their present.

Life coaching is non-clinical. In coaching we focus on goal setting, goal achievement, forward momentum, teaching, learning and mindset. We look back at your past and at traumatic experiences for clarity on why you are the way you are, why you have the beliefs you have and to clean up any residual beliefs that stem from the trauma while staying in the present and keeping our eyes on your future goals. Life coaching meets you where you are and moves you into a life that feels good to you.

Another key difference is that therapists are licensed by state, whereas life coaching certifications do not stop at state lines (which means you can live anywhere and coach with me)!

If you are craving direction in moving forward, goal setting and self-exploration, a life coach would be a great fit for you. If you are stuck at the point of trauma and are unable to move forward, or are seeking treatment for a mental health disorder, therapy would be your first stop.

Once you’ve graduated from therapy life coaching is a fantastic next step in your healing and personal growth journey as you’ll likely be asking yourself questions like now what, who am I now that I’m no longer stuck in my trauma, and how am I going to get what I want. This is a great time to seek out a life coach!

How To Pick A Life Coach

I recommend working with a certified life coach who holds a certificate through the International Coaching Federation (ICF). The most important thing to consider in picking a life coach is the vibe you have with the person. It’s important to feel safe, comfortable and understood and to generally enjoy the interaction!

You can get a feel for coaching with me on my website and social media, and I also offer a complimentary consultation. The free consult is a 30 minute video call which gives potential new clients the opportunity to get a feel of the coaching vibe, to get all of their coaching questions answered and to start cultivating the clarity they crave.

You will leave the consultation feeling lighter, more clear and supported.

You will also have tangible next steps to start moving you forward towards the life you dream about.

In Summary: Therapist vs Life Coach

Most simply put, life coaching meets you where you are and helps you to move forward, whereas therapy takes you back to your past to help you manage your present. Therapy is clinical in nature (which includes diagnosis, assessment and treatment) and life coaching is non-clinical.

To learn more about coaching with me, I invite you to browse my website. and to apply for a complimentary consultation.